I had picked up my Grand Marquoir piece for this month but I ended up putting it down out of frustration. I almost had the next square completed and found that I had missed 2 stitches and it threw the entire block off kilter. So I spent an hour frogging it and will have to re-stitch it. No pics to show of it for now since there really isn't any progress.
Since I was so irritated with GM, I started sifting through my tote bag and found this piece that I had forgotten about. It's from My Big Toe and it's called "Stitching is Cheaper". I had started this for the Crazy January 2012 Challenge and never went back to it.
I did actually spend some money this month. I bought these two charm square packs off ebay. They were $7.90 for both of them. I'm expecting my first grand child in June and these are for a quilt for the new baby. Should be bright and colorful.
My next purchase for the month was 3 plates and 3 plate holders from the dollar store. A total of $6 was spent to do this project. I had the vinyl cut over a year ago when I went to a vinyl party and have had it sitting in the closet forever just waiting for inspiration to hit. I think these will be cute above my kitchen cabinets. :)
See....it was a VERY slow stitching month for me. I do think I did well with my spending though...a grand total of $13.90 spent for the whole month! Hoping for a better stitching month in March. Maybe "life" will slow down a bit and allow me to stitch. Until next time, keep those needles smoking!